For therapists, coaches and yoga-teachers

Your Soul Clients are Eager to Embark on Their Journey With You

Let your energy shine online.

And attract the people with whom you feel comfortable in your practice, studio or your class.

Finally get started

The Booster for Your Therapy or Yoga Business

The stronger your therapy, holistic practitioner, or yoga business grows, the more you may wish that your ideal clients find you.

And you’ve probably experienced this:

There are so many ideas, content, and topics that hardly find a place in your social media channels.

What truly sets you and your method apart is barely visible on Instagram or in the therapist directory.

When people come to your practice, workshops, or yoga classes, you often have to explain your offerings and prices to them.

With your own website, all of this will improve.

Your Website

Show Yourself to the Digital World as You Are

Even if your training is based on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s mindfulness teachings, you offer client-centered therapy according to Rogers, or you run an Iyengar yoga studio:

Your offering is unique and different from other holistic practitioners, psychotherapists, coaches, or yoga teachers.

But to become visible in your own unique way, it takes more than just a few flyers distributed at the local café or pharmacy.

You’ll see, it’s worth investing some time and energy into your new website and online visibility. And you’re not alone in this. I’m here to assist you with my WordPress and online expertise. You’ll quickly feel the first successes – exciting, isn’t it?

Features of a Website that Grows With You

Together, we work on the concept, structure, and design of your website. You can leave the technical implementation and content management in WordPress entirely to me.



Your website needs colors, fonts, a logo, and images or illustrations. And we also choose a theme or template together.



WordPress is my CMS of choice. This way, your business remains highly flexible also online. And you are the owner of your WP website.


Hosting & Domain

I can advise you on your desired domain and recommend various hosting providers, such as Hostinger or Raidboxes.


Page Builder

I create your website with a professional page builder (Elementor or Divi). This allows for easy frontend editing.



I assist you in creating an imprint and privacy policy (no legal advice). And set up a GDPR cookie banner.



I explain the basics of your WordPress backend and show you how to make minor changes yourself with the page builder.


“Energy flows where attention goes”

I’m giving your offering an extra dose of focused attention.

And help you achieve sustainable visibility. This way, you’ll invest your energy in actions that will advance your yoga, coaching, or therapy business in the long run.

Building a Blog Is Worth It

If SEO is to be a permanent part of your marketing, a blog is essential. Fortunately, there are many great and important topics in the therapy and yoga field. I’ll set up the blog for you.

Organic Visibility Through SEO

Meta descriptions, page titles, URLs – I assist you in optimizing your website for search engines. The Mangools SEO tool helps us find the right keywords for your pages or blog. This way, you grow organically without needing to run ads.

Crucial: Google Basics

With a Google Business profile, you’ll be optimally presented in Google Maps and search results. Your website should also be connected to Google Search Console. I’ll set up both for you or explain how to do it.


I’m Here to Help Shift Your Business Towards Digital Balance

Hello, I’m Kathrin, a website expert with a passion for projects by solo self-employed individuals and small practices in the health sector. I’ve worked as a website project manager, digital consultant, and SEO editor for Berlin agencies. And served as a digital consultant for a healthcare association.

I continually educate myself for you, focusing on online marketing, search engine optimization, growth-driven design, and responsive web design.

Additionally, I’m a certified yoga teacher (500+) and somatic coach, delving deep into healing, coaching, and therapy topics. I offer you much more than just a web developer or web designer with a generic profile. I understand your field, know what drives you, and am connected to the international health and healing community.

A Website Simplifies

Your Life …

… because it helps bring you and your therapy, yoga, or coaching business back into balance.

… you define what distinguishes you as a therapist, holistic practitioner, or yogi.

… you finally bring order to your offering and make it visible.

… you can use it independently for your content (no longer relying on social media).



With great dedication, Kathrin managed to transform my old, self-built HTML website for my dog physiotherapy practice into a modern website using WordPress and Elementor. Thanks to her persistent research, she always managed to find a solution that aligned with my vision, making me feel very well supported throughout the process. Later, during the initial use of the WordPress template, when issues arose, she was able to identify and resolve the problem very quickly and reliably.

Birgit Schulz
Frankfurt Dog Physiotherapy

Kathrin accompanied me during our collaboration with understanding, calmness, and mindfulness. She quickly grasped my ideas and suggested solutions that suited me well. She often surprised me with new, great ideas. With Kathrin, I experienced the start of self-employment as inspiring and transformative. Thank you for your professional and holistic support!

Imada Spiewok
Psychologist and Mindfulness Trainer

Kathrin supported us for 6 months during our website relaunch. […] She also wrote several articles for our website. Kathrin not only quickly adapted to our CMS but, most importantly, she always thought ahead and made excellent suggestions for all tasks. She was a tremendous help to us, and we can wholeheartedly recommend her!

Julia Schmidtpeter GmbH & Co. KG